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Due Diligence Case Studies from the Hg Archives

Due Diligence Case Studies from the Hg Archives

July 14, 20232 min read

Mitigating Legal and Reputational Risk Through Due Diligence

Hg was engaged by a company to conduct due diligence on a group of customers flagged during an audit. Our client was concerned that the customers may not be legitimate businesses and were reselling their product for questionable purposes. After conducting due diligence, Hg found that several businesses were not registered or licensed, had a lack of online presence, had been charged in concerning civil or criminal matters, or had potentially concerning international ties. Hg further found that several of the businesses flagged during the audit turned out to be related entities. As a result of learning this intelligence, the company discontinued doing business with the customers and mitigated legal and reputational risk.

Using Due Diligence to Help Victims of Abuse

Using Due Diligence to Help Victims of Abuse

Hg was engaged by a law firm to conduct due diligence on a business which had several allegations of abuse towards their employees and patients. The business had been actively rebranding under a new name, perhaps in an effort to avoid litigation and reputational backlash. Our client was interested in understanding the remaining overlap between the two entities. Hg uncovered that key stakeholders and sources of funding from the old business were still affiliated with the new business. The law firm advised us that our work was helpful to its client and was eventually used to create new policies to help the victims of abuse.

Getting the Full Hg Client Experience

Getting the Full Hg Client Experience

Hg was engaged by another investigative firm to conduct due diligence on a company and individual of concern to their client. Our client was hesitant to subcontract the work because they had used other subcontractors in the past who they felt they could not trust and still found themselves making several report edits. Hg delivered our due diligence report ahead of the client’s timeline on the client’s own template and received feedback that we delivered quality work which required minimal edits by their team. Our client appreciated our quick turnaround time and clear documentation of sources with links and evidence captures. 

Do these sound like any issues you face in today’s world? Check out our Due Diligence page HERE to learn more about our services and how we can help.

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